Kamis, 07 Januari 2016


Parks Sengkaling University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was officially launchedrecently. This inauguration also marks the change of name from Recreation ParkSengkaling (TRS) into Park Sengkaling UMM. Since the acquisition of this legendarytourist spots from the previous owner in 2013, extensive renovations have been done byUMM, including the establishment of the largest food center in East Java, SengkalingFood Festival (SFF).

It was conducted by the Chairman of the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah Din Shamsuddin, accompanied by Vice Governor of East Java, Saifullah Yusuf, Regent H Renda Krishna, and UMM Rector, Effendy Muhadjir along with UMM Sengkaling park management. Inauguration conducted in one area, namely UMM Sengkaling Park Romantic Park was attended by officials UMM structural, leadership and Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah Malang, as well as a number of business associates. Din in his speech after the signing of the inscription says, takeover Park Sengkaling UMM UMM is a characteristic that is always looking for and finding new things. Looking ahead, Din hoped this place could be a recreation center remains concerned with educational values ​​and Islamic. "I think it's great, if later Sengkaling UMM UMM develop this into a park attractions sharia," he said quoted by the website of Muhammadiyah. He also advised two things to UMM that these attractions more advanced. First, Din mentions the need for attractive packaging. "A product is seen from the packaging (packaging), so how UMM Sengkaling park is packed as interesting and creative as possible for tourists who want a vacation. The second is branding. This place-branding should be in such a way that attracts tourists, mainly travel agencies, so that they can choose this place as a tourist destination of choice, "he said. Likewise, Malang Regent Rendra Kresna fully supports the acquisition of TRS by UMM. "When I heard UMM want to take this place, I strongly support the plan until it can be realized today. Hopefully in the hands of UMM, the place is getting better and more advanced, because UMM Sengkaling Park is one of the sights which accounted for the largest revenue in Malang, "said Renda. UMM Rector also revealed, much current era of the Dutch population, this TRS is like a lonely grave of inactivity. However, after TRS open to the public especially when UMM take ownership, from morning until evening the place is always crowded by visitors and tourists. "Thank God, since the presence of SFF and a massive renovation, this place became busy again.It is also thanks to the young people in the management who are constantly looking for new innovations, "said Rector. He also mentioned, in the near future will be creating a bridge between Park Sengkaling and UMM campus area. "Between this place and the campus is only separated by a river Brantas, when the bridge was finished, the whole area of ​​the campus will be part of the attraction Sengkaling UMM," said Muhadjir. *
Recreational park is never empty of visitors, especially on weekends or holidays. An area of ​​9 hectares has many recreational facilities such as water consisting of a pool of primitive, Sengkaling ark, an tirta charm of nature, an essence tirta charm, swimming squid, bumper boat rides, and water bikes. There are also rides for children like boom-boom car, merry go around, kiddy train, bumper boats, kiddy ride, glide, and windmills.
In addition, Sengkaling Recreation Park also has facilities such as halls Ngalamers Bougenville Room can rent to hold a wedding, birthday, or other events. Sengkaling Recreation Park is open every day starting at 06:00 to 18:00 (Monday-Friday) and 6:00 to 20:00 (Saturday, Sunday, Great Day).
Sengkaling Food Festival (SFF) is a new tourist icon in Malang, built region Sengkaling Recreation Park (TRS). The concept of merging with the Culinary Recreation Park, supported the setting Site Plan, Building Design, Structuring Outlet and Lighting Systems are qualified so as to give the impression of sensational unforgettable. SFF occupies an area of ​​3 hectares in front of the TRS, the location is strategically located on the highway between Malang - Rock, close to several famous universities, among others;Malang Muhammadiyah University, Islamic University of Malang, UB and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Powered by SFF parking areas are very spacious, with good parking management system, able to accommodate hundreds of vehicles, which is expected to provide a sense of security and comfort for visitors SFF. As the largest culinary center in East Java, SFF provide hundreds of tenants serving a variety of quality menu at a price that is affordable for all walks of life, from families and students, students and tourists.Besides the culinary, SFF also provides tenants who sell food / beverage typical of Malang that can be used by the - by, and there are boutiques selling designer clothes and quality. SFF is very appropriate as a place to hang out, meeting point, kongkow and gathered with family, friends or colleagues. SFF is open daily from 16.00 s / d 23:00 pm, except Saturdays and Sundays SFF open from 12.00 s / d 23:00 pm. Soft Opening SFF was held on July 15, 2014, the interest of the public / visitors with the opening of SFF very nice unexpected from the business, although still in the Soft Opening. SFF Grand Opening is planned in the month of August-September 2014 and will be celebrated by a famous artist from the capital. TRS purpose in organizing SFF among others, is to change the broad imagemasyarakat that TRS / Sengkaling Recreation Park is and will always change with the development of tourism in Malang. TRS will transform change into a modern recreation park, which will again become a major tourist destination Malang and East Java. Grand Designdan TRS new Master Plan has been completed, the work of renowned architect. The initial phase of the Masterplan is SFF, has begun to be realized as a form of TRS commitment to address the needs of the community / tourists and challenges of the times.
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